The athletes among me define the champion as the person or team that wins. Conquer the competition. The side is the best. At least I saw it before. Until I changed from athlete to coach, from jogger to marathon runner.
When you hear the word Wandering Champion Wandering, what image do you think of?
My athlete met an Olympic gold medalist. Or the winner of the World Series. Or the state championship team.
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In other words, my athletes see a person or team win and experience the intoxicating feeling of conquering the competition. Be the best.
At least I saw it before. Until I changed from athlete to coach, from jogger to marathon runner.
When I started coaching high school softball, I saw a team of athletes and I wanted to turn it into a champion. To me, it means to beat the competition. Win the game.
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But I have a problem. I regard them as athletes, and athletes who want to be pushed to the limit to win the game. So I pushed it. Qu Yu resisted. Because I don’t take the time to figure out what it is. I don’t take the time to figure out that he wants to finish this season.
It was a frustrating, tragic, and tight loss at the end of the season. I decided not to even want to coach.
Some girls are not champions, because I don’t know what they are champions.
I left high school to teach for two years.
During this time, I ran a marathon.
Deciding to run a marathon is difficult, because I know that at a super slow Schaefer speed, I have no chance of winning. No. Why do I want to participate in a race where my chance of winning is zero? I want to run and tell me nothing. Because I want to be a champion. I want to win.
Then at the end of one of my training sessions, it hit me. I don’t compete with other players. I am competing with me. As long as I finish the marathon, I will beat me. Because the distance of 26.2 miles is longer than I have walked before. Because that is my dream.
Therefore, a champion is a person who pursues a dream, goal or goal, no matter how big or small it is. A champion is someone who focuses on the process of becoming a winner, not the actual process of winning.